Outlook Web Access for Exchange Server 2003
Outlook Web Access 2003 (known as – OWA 2003) allows you to gain access to your messages, calendars, contacts, tasks and public folders from any computer with internet access and 128 bit encryption. OWA 2003 has many added features which allow
for improved performance, better security and a fresh new look.
How to access your OWA Exchange email
Open your browser and type in the following address: https://your-owa-exchange-server.com (The "s" following the http is required to be there to access web mail this way.)Upon completing one of these options a Security Alert window will appear on your screen informing you that this is a secure connection. By checking off In the future, do not show this warning you will avoid having to go through this alert message again.
Click OK
The connect to www.pembinatrails.ca dialog box will appear on your screen prompting you for your user name and password. For security purposes we do not recommend that you check off Remember my password. After entering your user name and password click the OK button
The OWA 2003 Screen
Outlook Web Access 2003 will then appear on your screen.When you first open OWA 2003 you will find that the screen is divided into 4 main
areas: folders, shortcuts, in-box. and preview pane.
Folders: in your folders list you will find such items as your calendar, contacts, deleted items, drafts, inbox, journal, junk e-mail, notes, sent items, tasks and more
Shortcuts: in your shortcuts list you will find exactly that, shortcuts to your inbox, calendar, contacts, tasks, public folders, rules, and options. You can access any of these shortcuts by simply clicking them
In box:your inbox list will default to the two-line view. This means that the pertinent information to the email (sender, date, re :) will appear across two lines. You can change the view by clicking the drop-down arrow located next to the word inbox.
You can view your inbox in two-line, by messages, by unread messages, by sender, by subject, by conversation, by unread conversation, and by sent to. (It is most common to leave it in two-line view)
If you wish to open one of the mail messages full screen (as opposed to only the preview pane) simply double click the email in question
Preview pane: the preview pane allows you to view your selected message without physically opening it. As an added feature in 2003, you can even open attachments from this preview pane.
How to change from 3 columns to one column with Preview Pane:
When you first open OWA 2003 you will find that the screen is divided into 4 main areas: folders, shortcuts, and in-box and preview paneHow to create a new message in Outlook Web Access 2003
To create a new message click the downward arrow located next to the word "New". A drop-down list with various options will appear. Select "Message".An untitled message dialog box will appear on your screen. Compose your message and click the send button located at the upper left-hand corner of the window.
Using the To button to find other users
If you don't want to go through the trouble of entering long complicted email adresses, or if you know someone else is a user within your group, but your unsure as to what there email address is, the Exchange server will help you find it. Start by creating a new email message. Click on the To button. (Many people are unaware of this but the To, Cc, Bcc and Attachments are all buttons).Once you click on the To button the find names dialogue box will appear.
In the Find names in: box click the dropdown to select either Global Address book or Contacts.
Global adress book: think of this as our divisional yellowpages. Every person or group with an email can be found in the Global address book. The Global adress book is available to all those with an email account.
Contacts: think of this as you personal little phone book. Only adresses you personally enter into your conatcts will appear here. These conatcts are your personal list and not available to anyone else in the division.
Now you can use any combination of the other fields to find who you are looking for.
For example, you wish to email me but are unsure of how to spell my name and you don't know my last name. In the first name field type the beginning of my name "Iv" and leave the rest blank. Now click the find button. A list of name sthat meet the search criteria will appear. Lucky for me, I’m the only person in the division who's name starts with "Iv". My name should be the only one to appear on the list "Ivone Kordic".
If a list of names appears on your list simply click the appropriate one to select it. Under the Add recipient to… section select either To, Cc or Bcc to put the recipients name I the correct box.. You can follow these teps again to add additional people. Once you are done finding all the recipients you would like, click close and you will return to your new message with all the recipients in place.
Note: If you would like to find a group as apposed to a single induvidual type a # (number sign) in the display name field then click find. A list of all groups will appear.
With OWA 2003 you can attach a document, picture or other file to the message you are sending. To add an attachment to a new message simply click the attachments: button.
Note: you can also click the paperclip located at the top of the window. Either one will take you to the Attachments web dialog box. Once the dialog box is open, click browse to find the file you would like to attach. Once you have found the correct file, click attach. Repeat this process if you would like to attach more files to the same email message. When you are done, click close. The file/s you selected will now be attached to your message ready to be sent.
Deleting a message
To delete any message that appears on your list, simply select it by clicking it once, then hit the delete key on your keyboard. Hitting the "X" symbol at the top of your page will do the same thing as.Note: When you delete a message it is actually moved to your deleted items folder. This still takes up space so it is good practice to periodically go to your deleted items folder and delete the messages from there. This will permanently delete the messages and free up the space.
How to Create a Contact
The Contacts section is your personal email address book. Click on the contacts icon either in your folder list or your shortcuts to access it. Your contacts window will appear with a list of your personal contacts. To create a new contact click the downward arrow located next to the word "New". A drop-down list with various options will appear.Select "contact".
The new contact dialog box will open on your screen. Enter whatever information you require for this contact into the necessary fields. When you are finished click the Save and Close button. Next time you click on your Contacts shortcut or folder you will see your new contact listed.
How to Create an OWA Exchange Distribution List
A distribution list (also known as a Group) is one email address given to a group of individuals. This comes in very handy when you have a group of individuals you email the same message to on a frequent basis(i.e. a special team or club). This will help you to avoid entering each individual’s email seperately.To create a new distribution list click the downward arrow located next to the word "New". A drop-down list with various options will appear. Select "distribution list".
An untitled distribution list will appear on your screen. Add email addresses either by manually typing them into the Add to distribution list field or using the find names button to find them in the global address book or your personal contact list.
Make sure to type in the name of the group under list name. You can name the group whatever you like(i.e. parent council). Click Save and close when you are done. The
distribution list will now be a part of your personal contacts list
OWA Exchange 2003 Options
Through the options section you have the ability to personalize your OWA 2003 client. Be sure to Save and close when you are finished otherwise your changes will not take effect. To access your options simply click the Options icon under your shortcutsAdding a signature: There are many areas you can personalize in the options
section. Under messaging options click the Edit signature… button and enter a
signature to go with every email sent out. This way you don’t have to type your
name and title every time you send a message.
Spell check: Another nice feature is the spelling options. You can check off
always check spelling before sending to avoid embarrassing spelling mistakes.
Junk E-mail: Yes! What we’ve all been wishing for. A SPAM filter. This server based SPAM filter will significantly reduce the amount of SPAM you receive in your in box.
Check your Junk E-mail folder regularly. The SPAM filter will move messages suspected to be SPAM in a folder in your mailbox called "Junk E-mail". A false positive is a legitimate message that the SPAM filter suspected as SPAM. To avoid missing legitimate messages check your Junk Email folder regularly.Add false positives to White List. You can prevent messages from a particular email address from being filtered as SPAM by simply sending an email to that address using your email account.
Don't reply to SPAM. Replying to SPAM messages will add the sender of the SPAM to the filter's White List. This will reduce the effectiveness of the SPAM filter and result in more SPAM reaching your Inbox. Never reply to a SPAM message.
Avoid POP Email Clients. You will not be able to check your Junk E-mail folder using a POP email client such Outlook Express and Eudora. Please use Outlook Web Access to check your Junk E-mail folder. Remember, you cannot use a POP client outside of the division networks.
Change Password: Changing the password is as easy as clicking a button, If you wish to change your password for any reason simply click the change password button
The Internet Service Manager dialog box will open. In the Domain field enter the word Valhalla. The account will be your last name. Type in your old password, your new password then confirm your new password. Click OK. You will then receive confirmation that your password has been changed.
Now if you have completely forgotten your password, then you will have to contact the IT department to have it reset for you.
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